Tuesday 8 June 2004

The first Monday of Freedom

So exams are over and graduation is at hand but what do I do on the first Monday that I am considered a free and unemployed fella? Well today was a not so eventful day, firstly started packing a little this morning until Lionel came in and decided to go for a haircut so I went along with him to Broomhill and gotten a student cut there. After that is 3 hours of footie fun at the local park. Had great fun but the heat and sun was just amazingly bright and shining straight at our faces, kind of reminds me of home except that it ain't that humid here. Quite a huge number of people turned up for football and we had loads of fun and definitely not frolicking, what do you think we are? Anyway according to one of my mates, there seems to be a turkish bath somewhere in Sheffield. First I heard of something like that. Another goes by and time passes so fast especially when you are sort of having fun. I think the next few days are going to be the ones that will affect me as I will leave lovely beautiful Sheffield.

1 Comment:

btey said...

Hey dude,
Yeaps, decided to cycle again. Just got my bike last wednesday. Anyway i have no idea how's life in singapore haha. I have been in the US for the past few months, and will be there until the end of this year.So did you get your Gmail??

Ee Yang