Another minute passes by ever so quickly, the deafening silence ringing through my ears. Time flies but the work pile doesn’t seem to decrease. What more can I hope for? My stomach yearns for more food, lunch was skipped, tea break never existed and all I can hear right now is the low rumbling of my belly. Now I know what if feels to have a black hole in my tummy. I know I’m fat but still the hunger pains are getting unbearable. Oh how long more till my lips taste the sweet flavour of food. Temptation kicks in now, every restaurant or fast food outlets immediately become my haven.
Anyway enough about food, I am currently in a dilemma right now. Which to choose, the Ipaq RX4700 or the Dell Axim X50v? Both have almost the same features except that the Ipaq has a 4 inch LCD screen and the Dell a 3.7 inch. The Dell is cheap by a couple of hundred and the Ipaq is rather bulky thanks to the larger screen. Dell is having an offer right now which lasts until Friday where they are giving a free SDIO camera which is actually quite tempting but I feel I need to do more research first before I get it.

I am so tempted to get the Ipaq as I have been an avid Ipaq supporter but still I am lost because of the cost. Hopefully I might find a good deal during the upcoming PC fair or maybe the local dealers at Lowyat plaza might just give me a good discount. Who knows until I find out myself. Looks like I may have a plan this Saturday after all.
Ok I am extremely tired now, I need to go eat something. Its past 8pm, 12 hours at work. At least I know how machines feel, well sort of.
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