Friday 26 August 2005

Google everything!

Over the past couple of days, Google has been under attack from the usual Microsoft attackers. Could Google actually be the next Microsoft? Who knows? But what I know is that they have been branching into so many fields that even now they have their new Instant Messaging system called Google Talk.

Now I am really curious to try this out but I need some other friends who are willing to try it out with me. The only requirements needed is that you need a Gmail account and if you don't have one, please leave a comment requesting one as well as leave your email address so I could send an invitation to you. The software is still in its beta stages and it already looks cool to me, personally. Can't wait to download it and try it out.


ikewauhc said...

it's supposedly clearer than skype which is already pretty damned clear

Mark said...

I also want to try using Google Earth but my current laptop does not meet its requirements. Can't wait to get my desktop repaired and then check out Google Earth.

gRaCeY said...

I have both Google Earth and Google Talk! Go get them now!! I already invited the both of you, and enjoy chatting with it! Plus, the exe file is only 400k bytes. Cool huh?